Monday, June 11, 2012

Well, I haven't posted since forever and so much has changed in my life.  I've let go of a lot of stuff that wasn't serving me, including the relationship with the "friend" with whom I shared such special moments at Wadbilliga and Simon and Garfunkel, the job I had at the time and a whole heap of negativity that was associated with both.

I'm telecommuting in two jobs from home - one for a company based in Canberra and the other based in Sydney.  I'm studying Graphic Design and have just launched my website.  I'd love for it to be generating work but it needs a lot more work done on it and because I'm both studying AND working at present it will instead be a work in progress with a means of getting my name out there.  I tossed up whether I should associate the site with this blog but one of the things I feel called to do more and more in this life is be authentic and true to myself so I'm biting the bullet and doing it.  Whether I actually link from my site back to this one is something I'm yet to determine.

The veggie garden has been dormant for about 12 months now, perhaps more and I need to get back into the garden and sink my feet into the earth again.  I've started exercising and am dropping the weight and feeling really good as a result.

I've also JUST discovered Effy Wild's Book of Days.  If you're looking for inspiration as far as creativity is concerned or a creative means of connecting with yourself, why not go explore?  She's offering her program for only $50 (I think it was about $52 when converted to Aussie dollars at the time of writing) for the rest of the year.  If you like dabbling in arty stuff as I do, it may be worth checking out!  I can't wait to get started but at the moment my house looks like a bomb has hit it and it's getting past lunch, so I'm going to pop some soup on, get into the housework and then sit down to play.  If you'd like to know more, see below!

Click here to visit Book Of Days.
It's actually signing up for her program that has me all inspired again to keep going with this blog and bring more art, joy and fun back into my life!  I also need to let you know that I've joined her affiliate program as well, so I do obtain a small benefit from directing you to sign up with her.  Regardless, I can assure you the content is just amazing.  

I'll be uploading some of my coursework and the stuff that I get up to when dabbling with Book of Days and can't wait to make my blog look a lot better than it has for AGES!

Anyway, I'm off to cook and clean up a storm so I can play!  (And get the house ready for a friend who's travelling north later this week and is gracing me with company overnight - YAY!)

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